Arb Chhlong Cheat-63End, អាបឆ្លងជាតិ – Music and Krasue (2022), Native Title: กระสือลำซิ่ง
Also Known As: Graseu Lam Sing , Krasue Lam Sing. Nina is a famous “mor lum” singer who on an unfortunate day discovers that she is a “Krasue”. Together with the help of her lover, Nina then embarks on the journey to undo the curse.

Arb Chhlong Cheat-63End
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Music and Krasue (2022)
Status: Completed Network: Channel 8 Released: Oct 09, 2024 Duration: 30 Country: Thai, Thailand Type: TV Episodes: 63 Censor: Censored
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