In order to rescue the world, a group of youngsters must endure the chaos of the outside world while clinging to their dreams, love, and sense of duty. Huzi is a happy and upbeat mountain orphan who meets the chilly captain, Qi Xiao Xuan, a national demon master, and becomes friends with him after inadvertently ingesting a red pearl, one of Yang’s treasures. Due to the presence of a red pearl, the two extremely different young people are compelled to travel together. Along the way, they make friends with Wang Yu Qian and Zhao Xin Tong. Their differences pique their interest, and after a few adventures, they become life-or-death buddies when Qi Xiaoxuan is put in
jail for defending Huzi. Within.

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Mjas Athireach Songkream
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Status: Completed Network: iQiyi Released: Sep 16, 2024 Duration: 45 Country: Chinese Type: TV Episodes: 48 Censor: Censored Director: Cheng Feng, MeTV, Zhang Meng
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