Nak Seub Ongket 2019-Watcher-Nak Tam Dan, An inspector who decided to live as a watchdog for the rest of his life after being betrayed by a trusted senior. A young police officer who lives suspecting that his father, who was a police officer, may have killed his mother. A lawyer who was threatened with death. A psychological thriller in which three men and women gather back together due to the kidnapping of the group president’s son becomes a corruption investigation team inside the police, and dig into the reality of power.

Nak Seub Ongket 2019-Watcher-Nak Tam Dan
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Title: អ្នកស៊ើបអង្កេត Nak Seub Ongket 2019 – Watcher អ្នកតាមដាន Nak Tam Dan 왓쳐 Watchyeo
Status: Ongoing Network: OCN Released: Feb 20, 2025 Duration: 40 Country: Korean Type: TV Episodes: 16 Censor: Censored
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Watch Nak Seub Ongket 2019-Watcher-Nak Tam Dan
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