Preah Ang Mjas JuMong-162End, Native Title: 주 Also Known As: The Book of Three Han: The Chapter of Jumong , Jumong – Prince of the Legend , Samhanji – Jumong Pyeon , 삼한지-주몽 편 , Ju Mong, Prince of Legendព្រះអង្គម្ចាស់ជុម៉ុង, King Dongmyeong of Goguryeo,Jumong (2006),Jumong was the founder of Goguryeo in 37 BC. He was the son of General Hae Mo Su and Lady Yoo Hwa and was raised by King Geum Wa, who took him and his mother in when Hae Mo Su was believed to have been killed in an ambush by the Han Dynasty. So Seo No was a merchant’s daughter who helped Jumong in realizing his dream of building a new country and later became his second wife.

Preah Ang Mjas JuMong-162End
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Jumong (2006)
Status: Completed Released: Oct 06, 2024 Duration: 60 Country: Korean, South Korea Type: TV Episodes: 162 Censor: Censored
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