Domnouk Chheam Neak Klahan(តំណក់ឈាមអ្នកក្លាហាន) The Youth of Blood -At Snowfall Villa, Xiao Se, a miserly innkeeper who wears an expensive fur coat but cannot afford to maintain the inn, meets Lei Wujie, a disciple of the Lei Clan who has just entered the martial arts world. The two decide to roam the martial arts world together. On their journey, they meet Wuxin, the young head of Tianwaitian, Sikong Qianluo, the daughter of the Spear Deity of Xueyue City, Tang Lian, the first disciple of the Tang Clan, and Ye Ruoyi, the daughter of the General. However, they are embroiled in the conflicts of the martial arts world and the imperial court. They gradually realise that everything seems to be connected to the innkeeper Xiao Se. Together, they seize the Golden Coffin, breakthrough death traps, search for the celestial mountain, fight the most powerful martial artist in the world, and defeat tens of thousands of troops. Xiao Se’s true identity also comes to light. All that has happened is related to the battle for the throne twelve years ago.

Domnouk Chheam Neak Klahan
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Domnouk Chheam Neak Klahan
Status: Completed Network: Youku Studio: Khmer Studio Released: Sep 16, 2024 Country: Chinese Type: TV Episodes: 50 Censor: Censored Director: MeTVKH, Yin Tao, Zhu Hai Jun Casts: Ao Ruipeng Ao Ruipeng, Deng Kai Deng Kai, Ding Yongdai Ding Yongdai, Fan Jinwei Fan Jinwei, Flora Dai Flora Dai, Li Hongyi Li Hongyi, Li Xinze Li Xinze, Lin Boyang Lin Boyang, Liu Xueyi Liu Xueyi, Zhang Weina Zhang Weina
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