Ouparach Sima Yi S1-[42END]-ឧបរាជស៊ីម៉ាអ៊ី វគ្គ០១-The Advisors Alliance-Ouparach Sima Yi S1,Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon (Chinese sequel) Native Title: 大军师司马懿之军师联盟 Also Known As: Jun Shi Lian Meng , Da Jun Shi Sima Yi Zhi Jun Shi Lian MengIt tells the story of the rebirth of Qin Chen, a man who experiences the betrayal of both his best friend and lover and sets off on the road of hegemony once more.Qin Chen was once a legendary being in the Wu Continent, but he has fallen due to the painful betrayal of his friend and former lover. Three hundred years later, he has reincarnated into the body of an illegitimate son of the royal family. Relying on his previous attainments, he then hones his skills to go up against the sky. The story of Sima Yi, a great politician and strategist who lived during the Three Kingdoms era. By his side, Sima Yi has his politically-astute distaff members of his household, and pitted against them are the formidable Cao Cao and his heirs. After defending the Kingdom of Wei from Kongming formidable talents, who will end up with the ultimate power?

Ouparach Sima Yi S1-[42END]
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Ouparach Sima Yi S1-[42END]
Status: Completed Released: Oct 04, 2024 Duration: 45 Country: China, Chinese Type: TV Episodes: 42 Censor: Censored
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