The Imperial Doctress-Kro Pet Rachaka Meng-50END,Set in the Ming Dynasty under the rule of Emperor Zhu Qi Zhen when women doctors were not in practice, Hang Yun Xian comes from a long line of medical practitioners, her family having served as court physicians for several generations. However, ever since her grandfather was falsely accused of medical malpractice, the family stopped practicing medicine and changed their name from Tan to Hang. Yet, Yun Xian is determined to learn medicine and so she does it in secret, except things become difficult when she crosses paths with the Emperor Qi Zhen and his brother Qi Zhu capturing the hearts of both men, thus starting a love story spanning several decades.

The Imperial Doctress-Kro Pet Rachaka Meng-50END
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រាជពេទ្យរជ្ជកាលឆេងចុងក្រោយ ( The Last Healer In Forbidden, The Imperial Doctress-Kro Pet Rachaka Meng-50END, Native Title: 女医·明妃传 Also Known As: Nv Yi Ming Fei Zhuan , 女醫 明妃傳 , Ming Medicine Woman , 女醫 明妃傳 ,
Status: Completed Network: JSTV Released: Nov 08, 2024 Duration: 35 Country: Chinese Type: TV Episodes: 50 Censor: Censored Director: Ho Chun Wah, Lee Kwok Lap, Steve Cheng
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