Veasna Neary Nonya-The Little Nyonya 45End, [Ep.01-45 End]វាសនានារីនូយ៉ា-Veasna Neary Nonya 小娘惹, The Little Nyonya (2020)
A story set in the 1930s, the drama spans across several generations of a wealthy Straits-born Chinese family in Malacca, and revolves around the feuds surrounding it. Yue Niang, a strong-willed Nyonya refuses to be consigned to her lowborn status in life and sets out to change her destiny, eventually succeeding as a businesswoman.

Veasna Neary Nonya-The Little Nyonya 45End
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[Ep.01-45 End]វាសនានារីនូយ៉ា-Veasna Neary Nonya 小娘惹, The Little Nyonya (2020)
Status: Completed Network: Youku Released: Oct 19, 2024 Duration: 45 Country: China, Chinese Type: TV Episodes: 45 Censor: Censored
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Watch Veasna Neary Nonya-The Little Nyonya 45End
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