Komlos Songha Kanha Nam Somnang 2023-Miss Lucky Go!, Chen Mi Ran, the runaway girlfriend of the school heartthrob, endured three difficult years in high school to escape the heavy emotional burden of this “stolen love.” She aspired to become a figurine designer and applied to the design department at university, hoping for a fresh start. However, fate took a twist, and she ended up being transferred to a different major. What’s even more unfortunate is that she will be classmates for four years with her first love, the guy that she callously dumped in the past. Zhong Wei, determined to get back his ex, resorts to all sorts of tactics to “torment and seek revenge,” all in an attempt to rekindle their former love. However, Chen Mi Ran can’t bring herself to admit that everything began because Zhong Wei mistook her identity back then. So, she has to come up with various tricks to escape his advances. Little did they know that, despite all the twists and turns, their hearts still beat for each other. They fall in love again and become a sweet couple once more until the “real contender” suddenly appears, turning their world upside down.

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Komlos Songha Kanha Nam Somnang 2023-Miss Lucky Go!
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កំលោះសង្ហាកញ្ញានាំសំណាង,Komlos Songha Kanha Nam Somnang 2023-Miss Lucky Go!, Jin Li Shi Ge Ji Shu Huo, 錦鯉是個技術活
Status: Ongoing Released: Nov 11, 2024 Duration: 40 Country: Chinese Type: TV Episodes: 24 Censor: Censored Casts: Gu Le Chen, Liu Te, Thea Lin, Xu Meng Yuan, Xu Mu Chan, Zhang Jiong Min
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